Entity management tools

Activation and improvement of entity management tools

We are aware of how much the management of an entity is based nowadays on modern decision support tools. We strive therefore to ensure that our customers have at their disposal:

  • a relevant management accounting system,
  • a financial plan model which is the sum of the plans of the internal units of the entity,
  • a model of settlement accounting for services between internal units,
  • a business analysis model for management purposes embracing the profitability of business units and their break-even analysis.

The activation of the decision support system very often requires careful preparation or the adaptation of basic recording tools:

  • the accounting policies of the company along with the chart of accounts,
  • the reporting systems of the entity, including registry of fixed assets that truly reflects economic useful life of the assets.

In all these areas, we provide our clients with the knowledge and experience of our experts and access to effective, proven solutions.


Value Solutions

Cann Advisory sp. z o.o.

Plac Jana Henryka Dąbrowskiego 1

00-057 Warsaw

tel. +48 22 616 20 32

mob. +48 606 234 150

e-mail info@cann.pl

Cann.pl - Wycena firm, spółek, wartości niematerialnych i prawnych


Cann Advisory sp. z o.o.
Plac Jana Henryka Dąbrowskiego 1
00-057 Warsaw
phone +48 22 616 20 32
mob. +48 606 234 150